Life :: New Year, New Me

Ah, new year’s. Time for resolutions! I can’t remember which blog said that they aren’t resolutions when you get older, they’re decisions.

And yes, if you noticed on my sidebar I have a list of goals, and yes, none of them changed from last year. Sad, pathetic, terrible. Yes yes yes. I agree to all that.

But this year just feels different. Maybe it’s because I’m finally taking living on my own seriously. Probably because now that my place is amazingly clean, I feel super compelled to keep it that way. This year, I’m going to actually decorate the place. And it’ll be more fun when Andrew lives with me. [And more motivation to keep the place clean]. I’m feeling more like Carrie Bradshaw now, and I want to stay that way.

So one of my new decisions is to take my life more seriously. Become what I envision my life to be, and aspire to be. Sure, I still want to be fabulous and more like a glamorous tv show. I do realize that I might have to come to terms with the fact that I don’t necessarily have the money for the glamorous life, but I can act like I do. And if I just wear all the shoes that I already own instead of buying new ones, I’ll be fine. But I still want to have days where I lounge in bed just because I don’t feel like getting out, other than to grab a cuppa, and maybe a new book.

A lot of my new decisions are coming with my 101 in 1001 list as well [which I still haven’t completed]. My skin has always been an issue with me, and I really have no one to blame but myself, as I can be pretty shady when it comes to care for it. So, this year, I’m really going to buckle down and find a solution that works for me and stick with it. I really think that I’m going to stick with Vichy, and maybe even get my makeup brands under control. I want to start finishing some of the beauty stuff that I have. Like my perfume. Likewise with my scalp and skin. I’ve been suffering from eczema on my scalp, and I think that I’m finally getting it cleared up. Messing around with different brands, and types worked on my hair for a bit, but then it gradually made things worse. I’ve gone back to using an old, trusted brand and I think it’s working!

I want to make my blog better as well. I sometimes feel like I should change what I write about, or add more outfit pictures, or get a better camera, or post more about the make up that I don’t have the money to constantly be buying [even though I wish I did]. But then I realize, that just isn’t me. I enjoy writing about my daily life and thoughts about random nothingness. Even if I don’t have the traffic or the comments that some of my favourite bloggers do, who cares? I like what I do. And that’s enough for me. But that’s not going to stop me from possibly getting a professional make-over one day.

Just some of the things that I’m going to set my mind to and do it already! I’m tired of always talking about stuff, and then never doing it. Here’s to a great 2013.
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