Life :: New Panic At The Disco Music!!

Isn’t is strange how the world works sometimes?

Panic at the Disco Death of a Bachelor.jpg
Panic at the Disco Death of a Bachelor” by Brendon Urie – Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 via Commons.

Or maybe I just like to think that I have a little more of a sixth sense than I do. I’ve always been an avid dreamer, and while not too many things I dream about come true (why hello, Channing Tatum make out dreams from high school), they sometimes lead to things that have come true or to people that I should contact.

But a couple mornings ago, I dreamt about listening to Panic At the Disco music, and was discussing their albums with the guy that was in my dream, and I had mentioned that I had their four albums, and the guy was like so you haven’t listened to their non-popular stuff? Now, in my dream, I was confused and so excited to know that there was Panic at the Disco music that I didn’t know about. And it stuck with me once I woke up – and lo and behold, after a quick Google I found out that they have a new album coming out!

Creepy? I think so!

But regardless of how I was pushed into finding out, Panic at the Disco has a new album coming out!! I fell in love with this band back in high school, and I’ve been a supporter since then. I’ve seen them live and they are fantastic! Brendon Urie is crazy talented. I can’t wait to see what this album brings. The album drops in the new year, but I’m loving their new single “The Emperor’s New Clothes”. The album, Death of a Bachelor comes out NEXT WEEK. Let the countdown commence.

Do you like Panic at the Disco? What other “emo” (they’re not really emo anymore, but for argument’s sake) bands do you still listen to from your high school days?

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