Life :: My Apartment

Ahh I can’t believe that I’ve been living on my own for 6 months, and have yet to really take any pictures of the place.

I can’t believe that I’ve been living on my own for 6 months in general. Insane. My mom did tell me that she was proud of me for being able to live on my own, do school, and work and pretty much survive and not overspend. It’s always nice to know that your mom approves of what you’re doing, especially when you’re close.

Anyways, it is long overdue. I finally have pictures that I’m eventually going to put up on the walls, and I have yet to do the artwork that I want to accomplish, but hey… I’m working on it.

It’s not a super big place, but it’s perfect for me and Kumo [with the occasional guest of Andrew]. Any more space, and I would hate to have to clean it. Or I would constantly be losing Kumo. And a bigger place means me having to get furniture to fill it.

But anyways, I digress. Onto the pictures!

Le tiny Kitchen

The only thing on any wall… In the Kitchen

Dining Room (with all it’s scrapbooking stuffs)
Living Room from the door
Living Room from the sliding door/balcony
Hallway I created to the bathroom and bedroom

It’s a good size, and I’m really excited for Andrew to move in with me [at some point]. It will take some reorganizing, but I’ll post pictures of that once it happens. It’ll be a gradual thing too. So many exciting projects coming up this year! I can’t wait!

I hope you enjoyed the tour, I’m gonna have to take better pictures next time!
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