Life Lately..

What I made…. Roasted Potatoes! My moment of inspiration last night.

Life.. What can I say? It’s like the dreaded question in conversation. “How’s life?” or, more recently for me, “How’s the apartment?”. You know that people mean well, but it’s almost a constant daily reminder that I’m not doing anything remotely exciting with my life. Not that moving isn’t exciting, but now I’m in the boring part of moving [to talk about, anyways]. I’m in the unpacking and organizing. Keeping a house clean, all the time, gets boring to talk about.

Between school and constantly cleaning, riding and yoga, I have no time. Most of the time, when I’m done all of these things, I just want to veg out on the sofa, grab candy and/or chips and watch bridal shows in Slice or TLC. [That sounds so much more pathetic than it is… I think]. Regardless, I have a growing to-do list, and no drive/motivation to actually do it. Which is bad.

Which kind of leads into my next thought… I need to start DOING something, not just talking about it. That’s probably the best thing about paying for stuff, it actually gets me up and out. Like yoga. Every Thursday, I’m loathe to go. And it’s probably because the style of yoga doesn’t really do it for me. But I get off my ass and get out there because I paid good money to be apart of this class. Every night afterwards, I’m so glad that I did. I always feel so refreshed with the sense of accomplishment. I’m really looking forward to finding a flow yoga though, after this course is finished.

I feel like I’m always saying things that I’m going to do, and then never following through. And it’s not like I don’t have the time, I just don’t make the time. I really need to start posting sticky notes around my house to remind me and motivate me! I already have a few to write down and the placement of them already!

What do you do to help inspire and motivate yourself?
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