Life :: I’m Back!

It is good to be back.

And I’m so excited and pumped up to bring regular content back to my blog. I am still going to try to keep up with the schedule that I had going before my break:

  • Mondays – Lifestyle
  • Wednesdays – Beauty
  • Fridays – Toronto/Fashion
  • Saturdays – Anything I missed 😉 

I’m also going to be starting a monthly newsletter!

Now that I’m not in school [this semester] and only have 3 more classes to go [!!] I’m ready to take my blog a bit more seriously. The photography aspect of my blog is probably that hardest for me to attain. But I solemnly swear that I will do my best! Also, if you haven’t noticed, I bought my own domain! My website is now! WOOT!

In other exciting news, I will be attending a few conferences for blogging in the next couple months, which I can’t wait for – posts to come!

I am also going away to Europe in the next month [yay first time across the pond!] and am interested to see if there are any bloggers out there who are interested in guest blogging? If you are, let me know!! I’d love to have you!

I can’t wait to get cracking on this, and I hope that you’re excited as I am!
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