
Life :: Girl’s Night Out

Wow, I cannot believe that it’s taken me this long to write about some of my most recent girl’s night out[s].

It was possibly one of the best night’s out I’ve had in a serious while. Ok, let me rephrase that. It was one of the most recent times that I’ve been out with just a girl. No guys, no boyfriends, just me and my lady going out dancing and for drinks. Possibly hitting on some boys [for her, because she is recently single!].

We did start the night out almost like a girl’s night in: Sex and the City, junk food, and painting our nails. We got all dolled up, and because of the perfect situation of my apartment, hit up public transit. Although while walking to the stop we got cat-called by a truck full of guys [Hey hot mamas!!] and a girl [Whores!]. Yup, great start there! So much for no more slut shaming. We make it to the stop and get on the street car to more female stares and judgement. Whatever ladies, it’s a Saturday night.

We totally didn’t even think of the other events that were happening downtown, so when we arrived at the club and it was practically empty, we didn’t realize that no one would really be clubbing that night. Anyways, it was mainly girls and couples, so we go grab a drink and hope a good song comes on. That’s the thing about Tattoo Rock Parlour, sometimes it’s great rock music, other times, not so much. The club does start to pick up, and I don’t know what it is but guys are hitting on me.  This never happens. It’s pretty sweet when it does, makes me feel like I still got it ;).

We ended up staying at Tattoo for most of the night, even though the vibe there wasn’t that great. You know when all you want to do is dance, but the guys there are all college frat boys and keep jumping in your face? That was pretty much that night. It kind of makes me feel old when that just makes me annoyed. After we had enough of frat boy partying, we headed over to one of my favourite places, Velvet Underground. This place just makes me so happy. It’s a bit of a dive, and the crowd is always different, but it’s so unique and there’s totally no judgment. You can just go dance and have a good time.

I think what totally made my night was the fact that there was an older Chinese man [probably just a bit younger than my Dad] who was there dancing and drinking beer to 80’s music by himself. Brilliant.

Also, on the way home we shared a cab with these two 19-year old boys who were adorable. It would be funny if I ever bumped into either of them again, but they were just so young. But both cute and both good conversation. A good end to the night!

Although Bri and I stayed up until 5 am that night, it was definitely one of the highlights of the year so far! 
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