Life :: Creative Block

Via Tumblr.

I have so many ideas, and not a single clue how to start them.

1. I want a mood board. I don’t even know how to make one, or start one, but I want one. I have so much space in my room that I want to have one somewhere around… and they’re usually by one’s desk.
Leading to my next one…

2. I want to redesign my room. I won’t repaint it, because if mom’s putting up the house then I’ll have to repaint anyways. I want to buy a new bed, maybe look into getting a new desk? I like my desk, but I dunno, I feel like I want a new desk. Something a bit bigger? I should probably just start with reorganizing my bookshelf.

3. Scrapbook idea #1: Continue with the way I’m doing it now, and when I need to change over to a new binder, change my format. Right now, I just have some cute three ring binders, and basic paper that’s pastel coloured in it. And pictures glued or taped in. Which I used to like.. but it’s not very nice looking, I might have to redo them. Just because they have to all look alike. I think I might just change the paper.

4. Scrapbook idea #2: I have this epic leather bound journal, that I was going to use as a journal, but it’s unlined and I’m not sure if that’s such a good idea for me. I currently have a journal that I don’t really use right now already. But if I make it half scrapbook, half journal, that might work for me….

Via Tumblr.

5. Scrapbook idea #3: Combine idea #1 and #2. But with a twist, and make my own binder, with awesomely cool sheets of paper. I think that this is what I’m going to end up doing.. because it looks epic. Somthing like below. I like the old, rustic, antique look of this one. I’d love to do something like that. Make it something that you want to be passed down to children and grandchildren.

Via Tumblr.
I would love to have a legacy to leave for the kids, so that they know what kind of person I am.

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