Life :: Choosing Colour Palettes

Now that Andrew and I officially have possession of the house (last Friday!!), it was time to actually get serious about what we were doing with this house.


I won’t lie, I’ve put off thinking about colour palettes, especially since right now all I want is a white house. Andrew quickly vetoed that idea though (even though I’m determined to have the office all white – compromise!).

I, of course, turned to a mix of Pinterest and Tumblr to find colour palettes. Mainly Tumblr. I found these bad boys!


I quickly sent them to Andrew while he was at the paint store and I trusted him to pick a colour. He did! He did really well actually, probably better than I did. Haha. I am quickly finding out that I’m not an interior designer/decorator, and it’s not something that comes naturally to me.

We’ve stuck to mainly the one with the grey cat, and I have to say that I’m pumped! I can’t wait to get more pictures up of the progress of the house. So far we’ve painted the living room, and the bedroom, and primed everything else. There are still rooms that need a lot more work that will have to wait until after we move in, but by this weekend we should be able to move all our stuff in there! Which means that I actually need to start packing up stuff. Oops.

Anyone want to design my house? Or have any suggestions for the house? Let me know! And since my comments are still not working (and I have no idea why), tweet me @JasmineFlower1!

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