Life :: Braving the Cold

Not how it looks outside at all.
I realize that it’s gorgeously snowing in the UK (and some of Europe) right now, but sadly, not in Canada. I know, Canada is the place that should be covered in snow [and yes, some of it is] but right now, Toronto is not. It’s just beyond freezing cold.

It’s so cold out that even my lesson last night was cancelled. Which I’m not to disappointed about because the thought of being in that weather, without my winter riding pants was not a pleasant thought. And it would be friggin cold on the face. Never pleasant. The only plus side to this is that it’s been super sunny out, and it makes it seem like it’s not going to be painful when you walk outside into the wind. Poor Andrew has been working outside in this weather all week, he’s usually so cold after that even a hot shower doesn’t bring him back! I definitely do not miss the days where I used to work outside.

Although, with the weather being so cold, and having a penchant to stay in more, it’s made me a little bit reflective. Nostalgic is probably the better word to use. I find that I always think about my old friends during times like these. I wonder what my life would have been like if I was still in my old group of close girlfriends, and how I’d feel. Although I’m sure that if things were still the same as back then, I wouldn’t have met Andrew. And that would be sad. Although, we might have met at some point in our lives… But I can’t dwell on the the fact that what’s happened has happened. I look back and I remember how stressed being in that situtation with the girls was. But then, there’s just that little niggling thought in the back of my mind, “what if you reached out to one of them now?” .

Yes, what if? Every time I contemplate, and every time I never do it. But really, what do I have to lose? They don’t respond back to me? It’s been 4 years since we’ve last talked, and 4 years people can change. I don’t think them not responding to me will break me, again. Maybe this year I should just bite that bullet.  Should I add this to my 101 in 1001?

Wish me Luck!
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