Life :: Bon Voyage!

So this post was supposed to go up before I left, but due to terrible planning, and last minute rushing around, it did not.

So it’s going up now! I am back from my 3 week Europe trip. It was amazing. I definitely had some surreal ‘pinch me’ moments (especially in France) but it was definitely one of the best trips I’ve ever done.

Versailles-Marie-Antoinette-Village-01Andrew and I did our romantic getaway starting in Holland, before heading to Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, France, and ending in the UK.

3 weeks is not enough time to do everything that can be done in Europe. That’s for sure. I hit most of the major ‘tourist’ zones, and I’m already planning our next trips out there. More time in the country side for sure!

So I will be bombarding this here blog with a million pictures and travel posts, so keep your eyes on the look out!

It’s definitely good to be back though. 

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