Life :: August Goals & 101 in 1001 Update

Well, I’m not 100% back. I should be back up and running at normal speed by next week. By then school will be over and I’ll be freeeee to do my own thing. I don’t think people realize how excited I am to be taking next semester off. You mean I don’t have to be home at 10 every night, I can be home by 5? What a novel idea.

Anyways, I’m thinking of things that I want to accomplish this month, and I haven’t mentioned my 101 list in a while, so thought I’d get two birds with one stone, as it were. I seem to have gotten a lot done, and also nothing done.

For the update on 101 things, I haven’t really gotten much done yet. Big things are going to be happening within the next couple months, but so far – nada. What a lackluster update that was.

Goals for August: 
+  Finish classes. Rejoice about a break. 
+ Hang out with friends.
+ Go to a beach???
+ Monitor my skin progress
+ Get back into yoga
+ Cook one recipe a week

I think that these are all doable. And once classes are finished (this week!!) I’ll have the time to commit to these even more. Huzzah to having time again!!

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