Life :: A Grown-Up Step

Via Tumblr.

Life is interesting right now. And I’m hoping that it only gets better from here. For the first time last night Andrew brought up the subjct of buying a place next year, and I didn’t panick. I just said yup, let’s do it. I was probably just overwhelmed by the fact that I feel like a financial failure, constantly on the cusp of debt that I would have said yup to anything. [Ok, maybe not anything].

So when he finally comes home from Calgary, I think we’re going to make an appointment and see what we can get in terms of a mortgage, and then start talking with our parents. It’s so crazy to think about, and I can’t believe that I’m even thinking about taking that step. Even writing this, I’m fairly calm. I’m actually rather excited about it. The most excited I’ve ever been about it. That must mean that I’m coming to terms with it, and less freaked out about it. Always a good thing.

I’m just worried that the bank’s going to laugh me right out of there…

2 thoughts on “Life :: A Grown-Up Step

  1. It’s a little crazy, but thanks! We ended up not being able to buy a house yet, but even better things are happening right now, which are crazy exciting.

  2. Oh, wow! What a huge step! I’m on the same boat as you in terms of my money situation. But, I hope to be in your shoes soon; discussing buying a real place. What I find crazy is that all of these things we all once planned out and fantasized about as kids is becoming more and more of a reality. Frightening yet exciting all at the same time! Good luck!

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