Life :: A Brief Hiatus

Seems like I’m taking another short little break. Officially now.

I think that I’ve kind of lost my way a little with blogging, and I need to take some time to figure out where I want this to go. I need to redefine where I want to go, and where I see this blog going.

I’ve been caught up with the last couple of weeks of school (2 more until I’m completely graduated!) and then I’ll be able to commit myself to blogging more part-time, and really buckling down to see where this goes.

I have so many ideas buzzing around in my head, and yet no direction. Time to get serious about this.

I don’t know when I’ll be back, but hopefully not longer than 2 weeks. I will still be active on social media, so keep up with me there! @JasmineFlower1

See you soon!

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