

Worst. cramps. ever. I’ve never had cramps or anything that painful before due to a period. It was awful. I had the most energy in the morning that I’ve ever had. I was cleaning, listening to music, literally bouncing, and then I was like oh hmm I’m hungry. Went to eat something and BAM. It hit me.

Pain. Headaches. I took drugs and took a nap. It was a gooood nap. I did wake up feeling better, but I couldn’t believe how much it hurt! My legs, back, joints were all killing me. I’ve never had pain like that, but always had friends that were. I never really understood.

Oh, karma, how you one-upped me this time.

I get it. I will never talk bad or be happy that I didn’t have pain. Just please… don’t let me go through that again? Please? I’m hoping that it’s just the fact that I’m off birth control, and my body seriously hates me for it.

Here’s to hoping,

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