Happy Friday!

Via Tumblr.

Ahh, the weekend once again. Seems like this year is just flying by. Already October?? Thanksgiving weekend is on its way (it’s early this year)

Good things planned for this weekend; a friends’ birthday means a night out, seeing Andrew when I can, and most likely baking. Work has been harassing me for some treats!! With Halloween coming up, I’ll most likely be making some spoooky cupcakes like I did last year!

I do need to get me some slippers… and soon. My feet have been freezing! A sign that winter is coming. Maybe I’ll buy some this weekend as well… If I have money leftover for this month! Oh wait… it’ll be a new month. Muahaha. So I’m free to get them. I need to put more money into savings again though. Sigh, why does money have to rule the world!?

A full weekend of accounting homework, parties, Nuit Blanche, and family dinners. Crazy hectic!
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