Halloween Countdown

Via Tumblr.

Where the hell has this month gone?! All of a sudden, it’s almost a week until Halloween. My most favourite time of the year, even though this year I haven’t really given it much thought. My costume, hot and skanky, is kind of a last minute, easy because it’s around costume. Absolutely no thought into it whatsoever. I was going to make a costume, but I procrastinated, and then things happened, and I didn’t think that I’d even be going out for Halloween.

Thankfully Andrew is around that weekend, and we’ll be able to go out with his group. I, sadly, don’t have a group to go out with anymore. I think that was the reason I’ve been pretty blah. I didn’t think Andrew would be around and I was pretty sure I wasn’t going out this year. The first time ever. Sigh. That would have been weird.

Definitely going to try to bake some cute things for work…. if I can find the time! Time to do some decorating!! I need to get pumpkins…. At some point.

The to-do list never seems to get any smaller…
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