Friday :: What Am I Doing??

What I’ll be up to this weekend….

Friday already. November already. 8 weeks until the end of the year. The fact that I’m already hearing the slight hint of Christmas carols on the radio in ads is slightly alarming. And probably supposed to make us start panicking about what we’re going to buy for people. I don’t know about you, but I have no idea what I’m going to get people. Guess I should start looking…

The hardest people to shop for (for me this year) are Andrew and his parents. I’m so terrible at thinking up creative things for people. Especially on a budget. OOOH just had a major brainstorm. Haha. Yes! Wine and candles, to encourage a romantic dinner for just them. Perfect!

This post really has no.. direction. I’m honestly really covetting a new DSLR camera, and envisioning a life of awesome pictures. I was able to finally reconnect with an old friend, even if it was just for a few moments. Definitely going to have to force myself to yoga tonight, although the thought of the warm room is definitely a draw! And then maybe having a giant bowl of pho, and some shopping. And then homework and cleaning. There is just not enough time in a day!!

On another note, my eBay purchases all arrived so I should have those posts up next week! I love getting mail! Just waiting on one more. Happy Friday everyone!
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