
Friday :: Weekend Goals and Love

So I had a spur of the moment thought yesterday, and with the joys of having a hairdresser for a mother, it happened rather quickly.

I chopped off a good amount of my hair. Probably about 4 inches of hair. I haven’t been this short in probably about 6 years, and it’s weird, but awesome. The beauty about this one is that you can now see my neck tat! 😀

Whats uppp!!

This weekend should be about studying, but we all know it will be about Ugly Betty. So here are the goals:

– Find postcards for the postcard swap!
– Study a little bit?
– Finish my Human Sexuality final assignment.
– Figure out how I’m going to swing the Fall semester… sigh.
– Catch up on sleep.

Because I’m so behind on my blog reading, these are definitely liked links from last week! Oops, I’m going to try and get caught up this weekend if internet arrives…

– My cuticles need some serious help. This DIY mani how to from Ghostparties might help!
– I love inspiring quotes, and need to stick them up on a wall somewhere!
– A homemade Crunchie bar? Yes please! God bless Joy the Baker!

Enjoy your weekend, lovelies!!
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