Wow, it seems like forever since I’ve baked [which is has been] and cooked, so I figured I should post about it.
This weekend I made 3 different dishes. I made a chili, which was a lot of fun. I started with that, browning the beef in the big pot. I drained out the excess oil, even though I use extra lean ground beef. I prefer beef chili, but this could be used with any beef. I then lowered the temperature to minimum, and added in the tomatoes, garlic, chopped up mushrooms, red peppers, and a can of red kidney beans. Stirred it all around, added chili seasoning, and a jar of pasta sauce, and covered it. I let it simmer and bubble and boil for probably 2 hours, stirring occasionally. I turned off the heat, but let it sit on the stove uncovered for about 30 minutes, and let it thicken up. Mmhmm smelled amazing.
I made Dark Chocolate Pistachio Salted cookies. I got the recipe from Joy the Baker, and they looked so delicious, and I had everything but the salt, so I was determined to make them this weekend. Unfortunately, I’m not to fond of the salted cookie-ness. On the plus side, they turned out really good and smelled delicious. But yes, I either used too much salt, or whatever, but I don’t really like them. I’ll have to give these ones away I think. Although, if it wasn’t for the salt, the cookies themselves are delicious. It’s a nice basic cookie, and so easy to make! I wish I had a bigger oven so I could put more than one tray in at a time, but alas, that is not the case. That took the longest, but not even that long. I ended up giving this to Andrew, his friend, and brought them into work. They didn’t last long, and every one loved them!
Last but not least, I made a roast chicken. Chickens are kind of creepy. I wasn’t to fond of dealing with it, luckily there was nothing in the chicken leftover. I used the recipe from Rose @ The Londoner for her Rock Salt chicken, and it smelt amazing. I had a little bit of a blonde moment when I popped it in the oven at 190, instead of 375… damn conversions! Haha, but once I caught on it cooked really quickly. Super excited to eat that tonight, it looks so good! I’m going to serve it with rice and veggies. Om nom. It was delicious!! I over cooked it a little because I wanted to make sure that it was for sure cooked, and I’ve been munching on it for the rest of the week.