Life :: Winter Warmth with Joe Fresh

Ah fall. The time when pumpkin spiced everything takes over, and images of crisp coloured leaves fill the Internet.

Well, over here in Toronto, we did have a fall, but we were pushed straight into winter last week with some snow [although, nowhere near what Buffalo NY got – thoughts are with them!] and I am fully ready to embrace warm winter clothing.

Over the past few years I’ve slowly been trying to add more warm, thick sweaters to my wardrobe, and I think that I might have just hit that mark. Joe Fresh has always been a great source for quality clothing that won’t break the bank. Especially when they are having a sale. Last year, I could only find one that I liked, and this year – 5! So I think that I’m good, and I honestly love them. They are absolutely perfect.


I bought 3 different styles, and while they pretty much look all the same, you can tell the difference from how they feel. I decided that neutral colours would be the best fit for my everyday life, as well as for work. My favourites are the Boxy sweaters… They’re still on sale! Grab some here!!

Are you on the hunt for some sweaters? Definitely check out Joe Fresh’s stock. I could easily see myself doing more damage there, but I will have to resist!! I don’t need to add any more to my overstuffed closet.

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