Recap :: Weekend No. 35

Recap :: Weekend No. 35

What a great weekend to end summer.  Ahh it’s September. Hard to freaking believe. It is raining, and I’m back at work after such a gorgeous weekend at the cottage. The last long weekend of the summer, and it’s bittersweet…

Fitness Assessment

Fitness Assessment

Source: via Sinéad on Pinterest  I was so nervous for nothing!! Haha, well I joined a gym last Thursday, and oh-em-gee. It’s pretty freaking amazing. It’s nothing like any gym you’ll join, it has a more resort feel….

Weekend Recap

Weekend Recap

Another Monday, but at least this week Andrew is home! He came home early Sunday morning and came straight over. But before I get to that, let’s start from the beginning of the weekend. Friday! Because it was such a…

Being Grateful

Being Grateful

Rush hour traffic,Always puts me in a bad mood.I got chewed out by the boss today,And now I’m stuck on highway 92. Then you call me on my cell phone,While I’m cussin’ out a Cadillac. You say remember Tom and…

The End of Summer

The End of Summer

This was taken in Halifax, but it seems fitting for the end of summer… So, I’ve been really bad with my posts. I find that when I have more than one picture to post, they really put me behind on…

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