Recap :: Weekend 45

Recap :: Weekend 45

Pumpkin seeds roasting Ah another weekend. Another weekend where I completely failed to do anything that was remotely productive or on my to-do list. This weekend I started my life coaching with Hannah O’Brien, who is in Australia. It’s a…

Recap :: Weekend No. 44

Recap :: Weekend No. 44

Did everyone remember to put their clocks back an hour? I sure didn’t, but thank goodness for phones automatically doing it. I love that we got our hour back, it was amazing waking up this morning knowing that it was…

Friday :: What Am I Doing??

Friday :: What Am I Doing??

What I’ll be up to this weekend…. Friday already. November already. 8 weeks until the end of the year. The fact that I’m already hearing the slight hint of Christmas carols on the radio in ads is slightly alarming. And…

Update :: November What?

Update :: November What?

My desk at work… I can’t believe that it’s November already. Where has the time gone? Last night my lesson was cancelled due to my coach taking her grandkids out trick or treating, and so Andrew and I decided to…

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