Source: via TwoDopeMoms on Pinterest Ah, new year’s. Time for resolutions! I can’t remember which blog said that they aren’t resolutions when you get older, they’re decisions. And yes, if you noticed on my sidebar I have a list…
Ahh I can’t believe that I’ve been living on my own for 6 months, and have yet to really take any pictures of the place. I can’t believe that I’ve been living on my own for 6 months in general….
Aw super cute throw back instead! I know that New Year’s should technically come after Christmas, but what can I say? I’m a rebel. Christmas this year was a little less hectic than last year, but not by much. Since…
Happy New Year!! I can’t even wrap my brain around the fact that it’s 2013. Seems like it’s all happened so fast. Even on New Year’s Eve, it seemed like the hours before the countdown went by incredibly quick. One…
Via Tumblr. Wow, can’t believe that I’m finally/already 24. And I actually have nothing planned, other than a full day at work. Yes, I chose to work on my birthday. I figured I would rather work on my birthday instead…