Life :: Slut Shaming

Life :: Slut Shaming

This isn’t anything new. With this whole new rage/boost to feminism, and what it all means to me [and everyone else], this term has been popping up. Slut Shaming. And I, for the most part, can here yourselves thinking “I’ve…

School :: Hell Week

School :: Hell Week

It seems like for the past 2 months I’ve been bemoaning the fact that school is ruining my life, or that I’m ruining my school life. Either way, I’ve begun hell week. But I am one exam down, which was…

Life :: Final Countdown

Life :: Final Countdown

Because this makes me happy, and how I feel about school right now.  I’m beyond stressing right now. Can you tell? Probably not, because I make idiotic choices like going out for wings with Andrew and his friends, that lasts…

Life :: Reaching Out

Life :: Reaching Out

Via Tumblr.  Are there ever any moments in life that you wish you could take back? Just sometimes? If your like most people, you probably do. I know that I do. While I wouldn’t really change anything, because I probably…

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