On the 26th of October, Briana of Canadian Macrobiotics, hosted her 2nd annual MacroFeast. This event is fully vegan, locally grown and organically sustained fruits and vegetables that she created into an amazing feast and event. As always, her decor…
Wow, it’s a little hard to believe that there are only 10 weeks left to the year…. I am extremely unprepared for it. Winter is coming, and I’ve yet to take out any of my “winter” clothes. I think that…
I wasn’t sure what to classify this post under. It actually fits under all of my headings : Life, Relationship, Apartment… But I went with relationship. Because I think it’s going to be more about that anyways. It’s awesome because…
YAY IT’S OVER! I can finally stop bitching about the amount of work that I’m currently under for about 2 weeks. I finished my last, horrendous test on Friday, and passed every single one of my courses. And did actually…
I had all these great posts lined up for this week, but I gotta admit it: I can’t do it. I’m feeling extremely overwhelmed with everything going on in my life right now that blogging has taken a literal back…