Life :: Lesson Update

It’s been awhile since I’ve talked about my riding lessons, and I have a post in the works about the Christmas party that happened a few weeks ago, but that’ll happen eventually. Anyways, it’s been a bit of a running…

Life :: Weekend No. 10

This weekend had a little bit of a sadness to it. Andrew spent the weekend up at the cottage, as his dog had to be put down last week. She was old, so it was inevitable but it’s still very…

Life :: 25 in a Year Update

Original image via Tumblr.  So, if you’ve had a moment to check out my 25 Books to Read list, I’ve been fairly flying through books these past two months. I’ve read a couple classics, but mostly I’ve been reading romantic…

Life :: Chapters.Indigo Haul

Life :: Chapters.Indigo Haul

Sorry for the awful quality…. Phone pic! All I wanted for Christmas was a giftcard from Chapters. And my lovely mother conceded, and gifted me with an amazing card and giftcard. It actually took me quite a while to decide…

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