Since I’m now joined the ranks of singledom, I have turned into the fodder of conversation with the guys on the floor at work. They tease me about finding another guy, and how I need to find me a rich…
I just bought a self-help book about women going through their quarte life crises. It’s called 20 Something, 20 Everything. I really love books like these because I’m a huge journaller, and having the exercises does give me something to…
So, here are some random things from awhile ago. I’ve been meaning to post them up but have just been preoccupied with other things.. and am really lazy. My New hair!! 🙂 I got bangs a couple weeks ago. Awesome!…
So, because things happened a lot faster than I expected, I can actually test out my experiment. I won’t say theory, because it’s not mine originally. I have gone off birth control because a) I’ve been on it straight for…
I have a sudden fascination with the way that people interact and how people choose who they choose. I’ve always been an avid people watcher, but now I want more of a scientific background as to WHY. This is very…