Calgary Recap: Day Four

Day number four: Sunday
We were able to get a bit of a sleep in before getting up and starting the day. We packed our bags, Coby and I then headed into the city [I drove.. eek] and met up with our half siblings. We met up at the Marriott hotel for brunch, but they had already stopped serving. We walked down the block and went for breakfast at this cute litte place, with a seat on the patio. People watching is so much fun down there, especially during the Stampede.
It was great to be able to catch up, and see both of the half siblings at the same time! Usually they’re only in town for a couple days and not at the same time. We then walked around the city centre a bit before Coby went and met up with a friend he met while on his epic East Coast trip. I went to go get a thank you gift and card for Kyleigh and Scott, so Ho-Yin and Chi took me to the mall which has a park in it.

The Devonian Gardens are super pretty, and rather exciting to have it right in the middle of a mall. We moseyed our way through them, taking pictures of the giant koi fish, and of the signs. We then picked up a juice, got my card, got my wine, and then I had to vamanos!
I headed back to Kyleigh’s for her bbq [for which I was kind of late] and then we played some more slap cup, ate foods, packed up everyone and the car, and then played a final game of slap cup [in which Andrew successfully got beer all over my dress…] before we headed to the airport. Coby was meeting us there, and we were running a bit late [again]. Although, our flight was delayed about a half hour. We got to get some food, relax a bit and then boarded the flight. It wasn’t full so we all got to sit together.

We arrive and Andrew’s mom picks us up. Andrew and Thomas are a wee bit drunk since they kept drinking on the plane ride home. I pick up my car from Andrew’s place, head home with Andrew and Coby in tow. Mom and Dad are waiting at my place so we chill a bit and tell them about the trip, show them pictures. Say hi to Kumo, and then they all go home, and Andrew and I finally hit the hay.

7am came around way, way to quickly.. That’s all I can say about that. I definitely recommend for ANYONE to go to this. It’s amazing, a lot of fun, and there’s just so much stuff to do. Definitely needed more than 4 days to totally experience the full impact. Can’t wait for my next trip now!
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