I feel that it’s time for a bit of an update. Things are going.. interestingly with the group. Still haven’t been confronted about the issue with Boy vs. Girl. 100% sure that the group assumes that way more is happening with the Boy than actually is. My own parents thought that more was happening.

I think that I should probably start at the beginning. I have been very vague about the whole situation, and I think it’s time to remedy that. After I broke up with Tiz, I felt a lot worse than I thought I would. Mainly because I felt bad for him. I pitied him, and knew that he would take it a lot harder than I did. I got over that pretty quick when I saw things written on his wall about our breakup. So not classy. I’ve blogged about having a crush, and I think that it’s time to bring it up again, and update on how that’s been going. The crush.. which I had (I think) even when I was with Tiz is now kinda up and out in the open. He definitely knows about it, and even reciprocates (which is always awesome). I started it, because I got to the point where I was tired of not knowing where I stood. So, being typical blunt me, I asked him straight up: “Would you ever sleep with me?” Not even date, or relationship. I’m not into that right now. His answer: “Hells yes”. And so began the friends-with-benefits deal *again*. A bit of a rocky start though. We talk a lot, but didn’t really see each other outside of the group dynamic, and we had never chilled together sober. He was the guy I was supposed to see one Friday but he had to cancel on me. No biggie. Then all the drama occurred. I guess that was my fault because we danced together one night and the other girl saw. But it was just dancing, not like we were having sex on the dance floor or anything. She definitely could have joined in and danced with us if she wanted too. The next time was definitely my bad, because I was drunk and I ended up making out with him on the dance floor. I thought that she had left, but she hadn’t, but regardless. Damage done. In my defense, I was making out with pretty much everyone. I was pretty drunk. But no one confronted me, they just keep talking about it and spreading it around. Everyone has come to the conclusion that we are more than friends, but no one really has any proof (well, a couple do). But they have no proof that we are actually doing anything. That’s the hilarious thing.
We haven’t done anything.
Everyone is assuming that we’re having sex and blah blah but we actually haven’t. Yet. The guys are assuming, the girls are definitely assuming, even my parents assumed that I was. In actual fact, as lame as it sounds, we just watch movies, talk and make out. Mal makes fun of me because she says it’s like we’re in a relationship, even though we aren’t. Technically. I don’t like to think about it. Haha. Right now, I’m guessing this works for us. Paul loves talking to me and living vicariously through me because I have hilarious things that happen to me. We are the worst fuckbuddies in life.
I believe that this gets us up to date about what’s been going on there… Should be interesting. I can’t wait to move out though. I’m tired of living at home and having to worry about that kind of stuff, especially when I come home at 7-8-9 in the morning. Walk of Shame. My parents are cool with it, and they make fun of me afterwards, but still. There are just somethings you don’t want your parents knowing about!