Books :: Anne Bishop

Author Spotlight: Anne Bishop

Anne Bishop isn’t new to my book reviews, she’s one of my favourite authors, so I knew that she would be one to highlight in my Author Spotlight series. She’s an author that I can honestly say, I never get bored of her writing. Or her stories. I almost know the Black Jewels series word for word, but I’ll still read at least one every couple months. I can’t wait to see what she comes out with next.

Adult Fantasy Fiction Series


Black Jewels

This is definitely my favourite series by her, and I am fully invested in this world that she created. Everything about it appeals to me. The matriarch. The magic. The relationships. The fact that there are talking animals (kindred). There’s one scene in the 2nd book of the trilogy (Heir of Darkness) that I read every time and it never fails to send chills down my spine (in a good way). This series is made up of the main trilogy and then six spin-off novels. These are the books you shouldn’t miss from her repertoire, in my humble opinion.

Tir Alainn

This is one I’ve got a review post just chilling in my drafts right now for. It’ll get posted soon, I swear! This one I read after Black Jewels, and didn’t truly appreciate it. I re-read it a couple months ago and felt that it was definitely much better than I remembered. I still prefer the Black Jewels world but definitely enjoyable.


This is another one that I read the first book, but it didn’t catch me like Black Jewels did, so I kind of gave it a pass. I might have to jump back into it and see what’s up with this one. I can’t give it an honest, unbiased push since I don’t really remember what it’s about anyways (I read it back in early high school).

The Others

This is the only one that I’ve got a review up for (you can find that here). Her most recent series, and probably the most different from her earlier series. I enjoyed it, and am curious to see how it goes since the main climax was completed in the four books. But it was left open with a definite option to have more books after that.

I will state that her novels aren’t for everyone. They are definitely a little darker, and contain triggers (scenes of force, abuse, cutting, etc – depending on the book), but they are so good. And I don’t thing that they overwhelm the story.

You can find more information about Anne Bishop’s books and events on her webpage here.  I don’t believe that she’s on any social media.

PS. Don’t forget to enter my MUJI giveaway!! It’s going until the 26th, so enter now!

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