I love this book. I have a super soft spot for Peter Pan. Especially since the movie in 2004 with Jeremy Sumpter, because he’s adorable. And actually quite hot.
But I digress. I’ve been meaning to read this book for years. It’s been on my to-read list since I bought the book [yes, I got it on sale! I think I paid $3 for it?] I’d start it, but then get distracted by something else. This time, I’m actually making it through it. And I’m loving it. Although some things I did have to Google, just because I wanted to get some clarification on a few things, and maybe another opinion.
I love and hate this story. The hopeless romantic in me loves the fact that Peter fell in love with Wendy, even if he was to young to even realize it. I hate that he doesn’t go back with her and grow up. But then there would be no Peter Pan for any other generation, and I get that. But it’s rather sad. I don’t know what the love of Peter Pan comes from for me, I’ve never been one to not want to grow old.