Review :: Dry Brushing and Oil

Dry Brushing1

This isn’t new. This has been floating around the interwebs for quite some time – I know because I first bought a round, bristle brush for this exact thing last year. I used it a couple times and then it got packed away when I moved, and just sat in a box, then on a shelf for the good part of the year.

But, I recently read a post again about it, and it’s inspired me to try again. This time with a twist. Dry-brushing before a shower, and applying a body oil before the shower. What a novel idea. It’s sometimes sad that I can’t think of these things myself. But since I still have a lot of the Palmer’s cocoa oil left, I figured it’d be a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

I’ve literally done this twice, and I have noticed a difference! I have extremely dry skin that no amount of cream helps [thanks Dad!] and occasionally get mild eczema. I also have irritating bumps on my thighs and back of my arms [Keratosis Pilaris], and will literally try anything to get rid of them. Dry brushing helps get rid of the excess dry skin on my body and attempt to unclog the pores, and applying the oil makes me feel soft and helps protect my skin from the drying effects of the hot water in my shower. Because I loves me a super hot shower.

Dry Brushing 

I immediately apply body lotion after the shower, as I want to maintain and lock in that moisture. I currently use Nivea Q10 Firming cream, and love it. It’s especially nice because it’s light scent doesn’t clash with the sometimes overpowering scent of the cocoa oil. I definitely notice a difference with the application of oil before showering, my skin is definitely less dry. I don’t know if this is also due to the dry-brushing – time will tell. I will say that I do notice a difference slightly in the quality of my skin, it feels smoother and less bumpy.

I’m going to make this part of my regular routine, and hopefully it’ll transform my skin by the time summer comes. Hopefully only four months away… 
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