
Beauty :: A Scalp Issue

If it’s not my face, it’s somewhere else. My poor head. It’s battling a serious case of eczema. And it’s definitely not winning. I went out and did some research and bought Snake Oil, and Soak and Float to help it out. Hopefully it works! I’m seriously tired of literally shedding every where I go. Plus I think I’m just shredding my scalp with all my itching!

It’s so gross, and I feel like it’s a dirty little secret. I think it started when I probably got sunburnt while away on vacay, and now it’s just not getting any better. I’ve been putting my hair up in a bun all the time because it’s the best thing for it. I don’t flake, and it hides everything really well. Nothing is more annoying than shaking your head and it flakes everywhere. I’m super subconcious about it, and hate going out any where there are girls. You know it’s bad when even Andrew notices… Sigh. I had to do something about this.

Both images are from the Lush Website
So last night I went out to Lush and picked up a couple things to help this out. Snake Oil, and Soak and Float. And I almost immediately used both of them. Actually, my mom was over so she helped me out with it. She really enjoyed using the products, and thought they were really cool. She’s a hairdresser, and really liked how the products worked. She even said that she’d recommend these to her own clients! Well anyways, she used Snake Oil first, and gave me a great head massage. She was impressed with how well it took off all the flakes. She probably used more than was necessary, but my scalp definitely needed it. We let it sit for probably close to 30 minutes [we were drinking tea!], and then rinsed, and washed twice with Soak and Float, and then did another wash with New!.

It did make my hair greasy, but it felt amazing. I have no flakes, my scalp isn’t itchy, and it’s not red at all [except where I did sunburn]. The next time I use Snake Oil [probably this weekend] I won’t have to use quite as much as Mom did, and that won’t be as hard to remove. Soak and Float smells weird in the bar, but doesn’t leave quite as much scent on the hair. It’s definitely preferable to the gross tar smell one usually would have.

Overall, I liked these products, and they made my hair feel so smooth and soft. Plus it definitely helped the flaky scalp! I would definitely recommend these. Have you ever tried anything for eczema?
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