Author: Jasmine


Dressage :: Lesson 2.1.12

Dressage :: Lesson 2.1.12

Via Tumblr. Last night, was a slow lesson. I’m excited because we’re gearing up to start doing more fun stuff. The annual Christmas party is coming up, and Bridget and I were supposed to participate in the Pas-de-Deux’s that mostly…

Schooling Wednesdays

Schooling Wednesdays

Wouldn’t this be nice to work with! Via Tumblr. Ahhh, I was all in a panic about Monday’s math class as I had my first test. SO not the huge deal I thought it was going to be. Luckily the…


Food :: Light Decadent Brownies

Food :: Light Decadent Brownies

Ingredients: 2-1/2 cups icing sugar 2 cups ground almonds 2/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1/8 tsp salt 4 egg whites 2 tsp vanilla The batter 1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Line the bottom and sides of an 8in square…

Life :: Horoscope

I’m going to try something new. Saturdays I’m going to post my weekly overview horoscope, and see whether anything was remotely close to happening. 🙂 I’m a Capricorn, who’s dating a Leo, but we’re both Dragons by the Chinese. Money…

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