Happy Monday!
I don’t know why I’m so peppy this morning, but this weekend was definitely relaxing. Not more relaxing than usual because there was a little bit of a moment where I wasn’t technically stressing out, but I wasn’t super relaxed either.
It was the weekend of date nights! Friday night Andrew and I went to see Blue Man Group, and I was pleasantly surprised with how it went. I didn’t really have any expectations going into it. I’ve never really been into Blue Man Group, and this was something that he wanted to see more than I so I was pleased with how much I enjoyed the show. The music was good, the show was funny, and it was actually quite cool. Definitely worth it, especially since we got the tickets on sale. After the show we were supposed to meet up with Nik and his girlfriend, Christine; as they were downtown to see Billy Elliott (that one is next on my list!) but they weren’t done yet, and we didn’t know what else to do downtown. It was amazing though. I haven’t been downtown in so long, and it was so nice that area. It’s awesome that Andrew drives, even though we kind of were running a bit late… But we did arrive on time and in time for the show. Phew. We ended up heading back to Etobicoke and going to a bar with some of his other friends for a drink and then headed home. I enjoy hanging out with his friends, and it always reminds me of the old days when I would hang out with my high school group. Ah, those were the days… Haha. We didn’t stay out super late, which is fine by me. I seem to be less in the party mood lately, might be due to the hot weather not making me want to do anything! I have yet to chill on a patio though, at a restaurant. In my backyard, yes, but not out. Kind of makes me want to have a backyard dinner party!
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Friday was when some kind of drama went down. I got a message from Kat, and it was pretty much saying that she couldn’t balance being friends with Tiz and I, so she was choosing Tiz. It was a little bizarre, because I didn’t even think that it was about that. And honestly, I don’t think anyone would care. I mean, sure the first time we see each other would be awkward as hell, but I don’t think it would be uncomfortable. Besides, I haven’t been out with that group in like 2 months, until this past week when I saw them twice. The message kind of took me by surprise. Although I wasn’t surprised that it was coming, the entire reason surprised me. That was completely not on my radar. Although, it makes it slightly awkward when I go out with that group (because someone else has invited me to something) and she doesn’t say anything to me, at all. She barely said hi to me at all even. I just don’t get it. I don’t see how you can’t still be civil with a person when you are in the same environment. But maybe that’s just me.
I messaged her back Saturday morning, because I didn’t have time at all Friday, and I needed some time to think about my reply. I tried my best to be honest and not.. harsh. I had a few questions for her, that I doubt I’ll get a response too, but all the same. It’s a funny situation. I then lazed around the house with Andrew, until it was time for me to leave and head to the bbq/pool party hosted at Ashley’s house. I was a little nervous, won’t lie. Andrew was nice enough to drop me off there, but I was nervous. Eventually it got better when more people arrived, and then I could talk with more people. 3 couples in that group are engaged and weddings are soon, so it’s exciting. I was talking to one couple about what they were planning etc, since I’ve been totally into it. That was fun, and made the time go by really quick, but then it was almost 10 so I decided to head out, and quickly shower and head to Andrew’s. Who was watching True Blood (hahah got him addicted!!) and so we watched an episode of that and then went to bed.
Sunday is always kinda sad because I have to leave, and that means that works is around the corner, but I had a huge clean freak moment last night so I cleaned and then watched movies. I miss just lazing around watching movies. I’ve been watching some old Audrey Hepburn movies, last night was “Paris- When It Sizzles”. She’s so classic, I love her.
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