Alternate Summer Plans??

Poor Japan. It’s amazing how much damage and devestation Mother Nature can inflict on one place at one time. Of all the luck right? How can one possibly be prepared for that. For a country to move 3 metres to the East because of a Tsunami, and to have everything happen right after the other, it’s amazing that country is still even there. I know that the Japanese people themselves will bounce back, and have things under control as quickly as possible, or at least try to. But for now, until things start to calm down it’s probably better to put the trip on hold.

Because of the unrest in Japan (and the possible chance of some radiation poisoning) I believe that the girls and I are postponing our trip for this year, and just going to wait it out until closer and see what happens over there. I want to still travel though, so I want to look into other places. If nothing in Japan changes, then I believe that I might hit up Europe instead. Or some more of the States. Or visit Mal in BC? So many places to visit, so little time.

OR I can kill two birds with one stone, and visit Mal AND Vegas at the same time. 😀 It’s cheaper to fly to Vegas out of Vancouver anyways… Maybe I could co-ordinate that with Mal? That’d be so sweet because then I can visit Mal, see her horse, party like a rockstar, and just chill and catch up. It’d be amazing. Not as cultural as Japan, but just as fun. Plus it’s been almost 2 years since I last saw that chicky, so it’s about freaking time I got my ass over there as well. I need to re-tackle my budget about this, because it’s a slightly different set-up from Japan. Although, I might need that much money anyways if I’m doing two flights in 2 weeks. Good times. I love flying. It’s more fun when you go with someone else that you know on the plan as well!!! 😀 It’s totally weird though, because I totally had wanted Mal to meet Tiz, but now… I think that if we are eventually friends again, she will be able to meet him. We had so many plans for this summer, and I think that I’ll probably still do most of them, albeit by myself. But what better way to meet people than being by yourself?!

Even though the plans have changed, this summer is still going to be awesome. I can feel it.

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