A Zen Way of Life

There is too much drama in this world. Some people crave it, others create it, some just get sucked into it.

I have decided to take a stand against it. For my own, purely selfish reasons. I have decided that life is way to short for politics of a group, society or friends. It’s inevitable in any kind of human relationship, but what one does with that is up to them. No one can make you do anything. It’s time to break out of the “sheep” mentality and become… yourself. Now obviously, it’s all within reason, but because I’m deciding that MY life is too short to waste, I’m going to be completely and utterly selfish. Probably not the most zen thing actually, but it’s going to be my new zen.

“Life is too short to worry about shit, so do what you want and what makes you happy.”
– Jasmine, 2011
I’m too tired of worrying about what other people will think of me, if people are going to get hurt because of something that I do. I’m tired of pussy-footing around people. People will either love you or hate you, and it’s not your choice or problem on which one they choose. You have no control over what other people do, say, or think. So why bother? Some people are just looking for drama, and will go out of their way to make some. Or maybe it’s me that’s the harbinger of drama in a group. I never used to think so, but it seems to have come out now that I’m in the group. Or maybe I’m just noticing it more. Although some of it is my fault… But not entirely. I could just be a catalyst. The straw that broke the camel’s back. Awkwardness all around, but some people just need to grow up!

Another post to come soon..

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