Quarter-Life Crisis

I just bought a self-help book about women going through their quarte life crises. It’s called 20 Something, 20 Everything. I really love books like these because I’m a huge journaller, and having the exercises does give me something to write and reflect about. Plus, I’m all about self improvement (mentally, not really physically).

I haven’t really gotten into it yet, but it looks so good, and it’s exactly where I am currently in my life. What do I want, how do I get it, where do I go from here? are all questions that I keep asking myself. Over and over again. I used to be so solid in what I wanted out of life, but life just keeps throwing me these curve balls.
“You want to work with horses, so go to school”
“You went to school for horses, and it opened up your eyes (and interest) in a different part of agriculture. What do you want to do now?”
“You don’t like working with horses anymore, what do you do?”
“You like working in the office environment, do you go for more school?”

That’s kind of where I am right now. Waiting on the cusp. Waiting for life to start happening, but realizing that it IS happening now. And that I’m probably missing out on a lot of things.

I always have the plans. The plans to travel. The plans to do something epic. But somehow, I’ve realized that my plans sometimes never happen. I need to figure out my life. I want to get my ass in gear. I need to get my ass in gear. I need to make a list of things that I need to accomplish and set deadlines. Because otherwise I will never ever do them.

This weekend, I need to sit down and do the exercises in the book. Write them down. Reflect. Drink a cup of tea, and not get sidetracked by the Internet or TV.

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