Where Do Girls Go to Hunt Boys?

Since I’m now joined the ranks of singledom, I have turned into the fodder of conversation with the guys on the floor at work. They tease me about finding another guy, and how I need to find me a rich guy to support me.

One of the questions today turned to me going out on the weekends to go boy hunting. I told them that I don’t hunt, am not going to hunt, and I don’t need to hunt (I’m “boy-free” right now, remember?). They don’t seem to believe me when I say that I’m not looking and not interested right now. As a matter of fact, no one but immediate family and Mal realize that what I’m saying is the truth. They asked me if I would ever go out to a bar by myself and barhop. I said nooo. No way in Hell would I do that. Why? Because there are always creepers at clubs and bars, that you need some kind of protection from them! Hence, the groups. They laughed at me for that, but they’re all older and don’t do the club scene anymore. Plus bar-hopping is way to expensive for my cheap ass.

Dan keeps offering for me to take his son off his hands, he said that he’d pay me to take him. He has a car. Woot. Such incentive. Having his dad pawn him off on some random girl that he doesn’t know. I know that I’d be so happy with that arrangement. Plus I keep turning him down because I really don’t want anyone else. I just need to chill by myself right now. I was chilling with my mom and brother last night, and I claimed my big, comfy Ikea chair back. Ahhh it was like heaven. So freaking fluffy. Like coming home. It just felt right. I’m probably going to turn into a hermit again, but right now I’m itching to go out and PARTY. Which is a good thing, because this weekend I’m going out both nights. WOOT.

This weekend: Nights out, party time, movie marathons and baking. Sounds like a good time to me!

But if anyone is reading this, I am always open to the idea of a rich guy to support me. I mean, obviously I will still work (otherwise I’d get bored) but hey, a girl can think about it eh?

Ellie Goulding – Starry Eyed
Amazing song… Constant repeat on my iPod!
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