This Time, It’s Not Just Talk

Change of plans. Right now I keep flipping around all my plans that I want to do. It’s crazy.

At first I wanted to get a car asap, but I was going through my finances and it’s really something that I don’t want to invest in at the moment. It’s a lot of money and not really worth it for me. At the moment. I’d rather use that money and invest it into somewhere else. I figure I’d save more money and be more environmentally friendly if I continue to use the bus. Honestly I’m not totally comfortable driving, anyways. So why spend money on a car? It’s just way to much expense. Initial cost, insurance, gas, maintenance, parking etc. just pushes it way out of my budget.

SO taking the money that I’m going to save with not buying a car, I’m going to put towards moving out. I’m going to bump up my moving out schedule. I need to do a little more budgeting of the finances, but I’m hoping to be able to move out by this October. I have found the place, I just need to go check it out, and see how it looks. It’s perfect though (online) and on a map. I’m so pumped to move out, I’m like vibrating with energy. Every time I think about it, it’s like butterflies in my stomach. Nervewracking but exciting!! The next major leap in my life. So much planning. I need to start thinking about how I’m going to live.

I am now in the middle of figuring out what I’m going to need, and going to need to do before I do anything and move out. Lots of banking figuring out and organizing there. Gotta figure out my credit cards, cancel some, change a few things around. Not a big loss because I’m freaking tired of Visa anyways. They’ve been giving me a hard time, grr. So much to do! I’m so busy lately, and I’m loving it. Heading to Ikea tonight will be amazing because I’m going to start thinking of what I will need and how much it will cost me (roughly).

I can’t wait until this actually happens!!

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