Bass Down Low

YAY. I had my weekend of amazing-ness. Long weekend made it even better!!

I didn’t get a lot of sleep this weekend but it was totally worth it. My body is hating me right now because I need to start stretching. Wednesday had a hard core riding lesson, and my body is always sore afterwards. Thursday, baseball practise. FML. I haven’t hurt that bad in ages. My legs completely cramped like mad! Used muscles that haven’t been used in years. So as I’m crying over not being able to walk properly after the practise… I took crap loads of tylenol and collapsed in my room. Super attractive. Friday was Good Friday, so NO WORK! Woot. Always a fun time. I headed up to Diane’s to visit and ride a bit. Ended up riding 2 horses (which didn’t help the sore situation, at all). Good horses but I was beyond sore afterwards.

I didn’t seem to get much sleep at all that weekend, Friday was a super packed day. I was going out that night, so I got home and made myself presentable (aka not smelling like horse…). It was a great time, I had a lot of fun, and it was nice to hang out with him without group drama, and group dynamics. I ended up staying way to late but it was worth it. I got to nap the next day anyways.

Saturday: Erik’s birthday. SO. Much. Fun. Craziest night I’ve had in a lonnng while. It started off a little interesting, Kat and Kim picked me up and we headed to the hotel that Erik and his girlfriend Nicole were staying the night in. We were pretty much the first people to arrive, so we got our drink on. People started arriving, and it was fun. I met some new people, laughed a lot. We headed over to the club at 10.00 ish, and it was nice because one of Erik’s friends that were there worked at Guvernment, so we got to bypass the line, and he also got a few of us in for free! Total bonus. I got a little crazy and was hitting on pretty much everyone in the group. I wanted to push my limit and see how far I could go. I didn’t get sick, but I definitely pushed my limit. I actually took a tequila shot and didn’t even feel it. Which tells you how far I was out of it. Tequila = gross! It was actually my lucky night, because I only spent like 7 dollars on one drink (ouch expensive!) but I ended up finding $60 on the ground! Woot woot! It was a fun night. I danced up a storm, hit on people, danced with the guys and the girls, drank some, and didn’t get sick. All in all a good night. Nearer to the end, I thought that I’d lost people because I couldn’t find anyone! No one told me that they were leaving, so I ended up chilling with some guys that I never really talked to before, but it was a good thing. I like when I can meet people one on one, and not have to worry about other influences. I think I shocked some people with the way I was, even though that is how I truly am. Alcohol wasn’t really affecting how I was behaving. If anything it was just letting me be freer.

Welcome to being bi-curious.

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