Hot Child in the City

Heat wave alert!! Toronto is now the hottest it’s been in probably 70 years. Which is amazingly awesome. I love it, even though you really can’t do anything but lie in the A/C in your house, it’s still great. I’d rather be hot than cold!
This week has been pretty hectic. I’ve been doing something every day after work, insanity! Monday was “apartment hunting”. I use that term loosely because I didn’t make an appointment, I just showed up and creeped around the building that I want to live in. That was fine because I got the feel of the place, just from creeping around the front lobby. Now I just need to book an appointment to go see an actual unit. And find out how much rent is and if I can even afford to live there. I’m so excited. The countdown is coming!! Moving out in roughly 3 months will be amazing. I can’t wait to start sorting and packing all my stuff up. I want to start decorating!! I won’t lie, I’ve totally been creeping around Tumblr looking for inspiration. I have a couple things that I would love to do, but they’re more for a big house than a small apartment. I have a couple blogs that I personally love reading for inspiration, I’ll post links in my Links to Stuff Page. I have no idea what colours that I want to use. Depends on the layout I think, but I’m really digging light pastel colours that make a room nice, bright and airy.

I love love love this look. Copyright from Cupcakes and Cashmere.
I can’t wait. Although then Tuesday – Thursday weren’t the best, Thursday’s work day was terrible, had a mini meltdown at work, but after work it was good because I got to see Andrew and I got my nails did. Which I love. Best place ever, and best ladies ever. I want to go at least once a month to get them done. I’ll see how long they last and then budget it out. I should be able to get them done more regularly, because a French mani was only 20 bucks there. I’m pretty sure that I can handle that more than once a month. Should be every two weeks maybe? Needless to say, I love it. Andrew bought me flowers to make my shitty day better (which it did make it better) and then we just chilled around my house for a bit until we had to go out. That night Nino’s band was playing at the Velvet Underground and because I couldn’t make it to his birthday shindig, I wanted to go out and support there. And I thought that it would be a perfect occasion to introduce Andrew to some of the people (the whole group wasn’t out, so I intro’d him to who was there). So now Kat, Kim, Ashley, Anton, Nino, Wyver, and Albert (from the group) know he exists and he’s out there. It was just funny. I don’t know what my problem is with girls, but I can’t seem to keep them. Some drama didn’t happen that night, but it’s brewing. Under the surface. Apparently though, it’s pretty much just her that thinks this way. I thought it was for a completely different reason, but apparently I was wrong about that too. Go figure. Terrible communication skills happening here. Regardless I still had a good time, and it was good to see some people there. I was glad that I got to introduce Andrew to them. After Nino played, we went and said bye and grabbed some poutine. We were going to meet up with one of Andrew’s friends, but we decided that we were too tired. That was a first for me, staying over at someone’s house on a weeknight. It was a good test. I made it to work on time, and it was fun. Yay for realizing that I can do it when I move out. Woot.
Super excited for life!! Should have good drama stories for this weekend!
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