Weekend Recap

Via Tumblr. The Madison in Toronto

Super exciting news!!

I bought a car!! Well, my mother bought me a car, but I’m going to pay her back and pay for everything for it. So excited. I pick it up after work today, and then I drive it home! One more step into adulthood. I’m super pumped to not have to endure the bus this winter! It happened so much faster than I expected, but I’m totally pleased with everything that happened. Now, I just need to work on my budget… cough.

This weekend was pretty busy as well. Friday I went out with Andrew and his friends, but it wasn’t such a great night for me (or Andrew) as he was kicked out as we were saying bye to his friends. It wasn’t even his fault, one of the waiters was a total asshole. He kicked out quite a few of his friends. But it was just the cherry on top of an already upsetting night. We taxied home, and I spent the night crying. I was just upset and couldn’t really explain it to him. I think that frustrates him, but it wasn’t anything he did to upset me, it was just all the circumstances surrounding the night.

Saturday was spent doing errands; taking his Nana out for brunch, getting a tour of this gorgeous (not yet complete) custom built home, grocery shopping for our hockey party, and getting ready for our party. Busy and rather homey-couple like. It was nice.

Sunday was even busier! All day spent at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. First time Andrew’s been to it, and I didn’t properly prepare him for how long we would be there. My bad. He’ll be ready for next year. I could spend so much money there, it’s ridiculous.

Happy Monday!
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