
Recap :: Weekend Away

I haven’t even written about my weekend up in the north! It was awesome leaving work early, and being able to get home and shower and pack and still be able to leave before it was dark. Andrew was just finishing up cleaning when I arrived at his house, and then we packed up the truck and hit the road.

I took pictures, but I have a disheartening feeling that something went wrong with the film, and they didn’t take. Honestly, I’m very bad at photography with film now, it’s ridiculous. Also, I think I need to find a battery for my camera. Sigh, so undigitally challenged. I didn’t really get to go on my walk,  the weather was rather abysmal, (rainy) and I spent most of the day Saturday baking and cooking and being ridiculously hot. So hot that in a fit unlike me, I went outside in the cold, windy rain in just a tank top. And I wasn’t cold. Shocking. I made it halfway through my apple butter recipe, I currently have apple sauce right now, because magic bullet I was using over heated on me. Regardless, it made good apple sauce and I finally was able to make it into butter.

We then just watched episode after episode of Dexter, and I haven’t been watching since season one, just jumped right in at season 5. It’s pretty good, but kinda weird. Not really my thing, but I watch it because Andrew watches it. Just like Walking Dead. It was a pretty chill weekend, Andrew wasn’t even working as much (I think with my baking I was more busy than he was!), so we got to just cuddle and be with each other up there, which is what I like about going up there.

It was a great weekend, I love being with him. The next time I’ll be up there I think I’ll be trying my hand at snowmobiling. I can’t wait!
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