Calgary Recap: Day Three

Day numero three: Saturday
By now, it’s feeling nothing like the weekend, and I’m starting to get my days mixed up. We got to sleep in a little Saturday morning, but ended up waiting too long on breakfast [the guys decided that they needed to go to the grocery store first] and they made a huge breakfast, but I was so panicked about the fact that we were leaving later than I wanted to. We were going to go see the rodeo, and it takes awhile to get down there. I hate being late for things, and I wasn’t in a great mood because of it.
Luckily we already had our tickets in hand, because we got to bypass the humongous line waiting to buy general admission tickets. And it was huge. Looked like at least a 2 hour wait to get in. But we quickly bypassed it, and I was speedwalking my way to the Grand Stadium where the rodeo was taking place. Found our seats easily and we were just a bit late, and missed the beginning of the RCMP musical ride. Sadly, the seats I chose were not condusive to taking great pictures. We were right in front of the beer stand, so that was good for the guys, but not so good for pictures. Half the time I was either watching on the jumbo-tron, or people watching. It was a good time though, and I think everyone enjoyed going. Next time I’ll know where to get the seats, and will definitely have to watch the chuck wagon races instead!
After, we went around once more to make sure that we didn’t miss anything, mainly walking through the Midway and then the Indian village. We met up with the rest of the group, but they were tired and soon left [after they waited 2 hours to get in]. They weren’t interested in the village but a couple of us went in. It was interesting, but I think it really only progresses the stereotype about them. But that might just be me. Afterwards we headed back to the house.
We spent Saturday rather lazily, after returning to the house, we got slurpees, and then ate dinner and played drinking games. I didn’t drink, but Coby did. Andrew screwed him in slap cup, making him drink quite a bit. He was definitely feeling it, luckily though he didn’t wake up with a hangover.
Another long day, but definitely amazing. Until tomorrow!
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