Recap :: Weekend No. 28

Ahhh the weekend has come and gone again way to quickly. I think that it should be mandatory to have 3 day weekends in the summer.

I headed up to the cottage on Friday night by myself, and I rocked out with a protein shake and water and lots of bumping music. Oh yes, I was singing and dancing and pretty much doing anything to keep myself awake. Very important. I arrived just before 10 and it was good. Unpacked and chilled for a bit until I went to bed.

Got a little bit of a sleep in, not as late as I thought it would be. I got dressed, did some yoga on the dock, and then encouraged Andrew to go for a run with me. I love heading to the cottage, it makes me feel so inspired to get out and do stretching and yoga. The run that I did was pretty pathetic, Andrew kept going. I stopped and went back. We then ate breakfast and then went for a swim. Definitely need goggles if I’m going to swim up there… Yuck. Haha. After our swim we dried off, and I made the guacamole. We then headed over to Lange’s cottage for the party.

There were a bunch of people that I knew, but also a bunch that I didn’t know. It was a lot of fun, we ended up staying the night because I decided that I was going to drink. I actually finished my bottle of vodka, so I’m going to have to hit up the LCBO to restock. It was nice, I had conversations with some of the girls that I’ve never really talked to before, and went for a canoe ride with Dennis. Actually went in the water again there. Andrew was very shocked, haha. He was like who is this girl? Going into the water, drinking… Very un-Jasmine like. It was a lot of fun, but going to bed with wet hair wasn’t. Not pleasant waking up to a soaking wet pillow. Yum.

We slept in again, made and ate some breakfast, helped clean up and then headed out. Back at Andrew’s cottage, we went for another swim, and then I showered quick and packed up to head out. It took me a ridiculous amount of time to get home, traffic was ridiculous. The weather was ridiculous too, pouring rain the entire way home. Joy. I was a little late to Sam’s farewell dinner, but I made it. They hadn’t even started ordering yet! Phew.

Dinner was fun, talked about Calgary, talked about the differences between Canadian and British horse life. It’s funny to hear the slang for things that we don’t have slang for. Like jacket potatoes [baked potatoes]. It’s just the little things. Won’t lie, totally makes me want to live in the UK… even for a bit. And watch The Holiday…

And on that completely random note, have a great Monday!
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