Rearranging the Life

Somedays, you talk to certain people and it kickstarts ideas in your mind. Things that you can’t seem to get out of you mind until you put them down on paper and work out the kinks.

That’s what happened to me this weekend. A bunch of us were talking about school, and it gave me the biggest urge to actually do it. Add more courses to my super light workload. Especially if all my classes are going to be light like the past ones. There’s no reason that I can add more to my plate.

September is going to be hectic. I’m going to start applying for jobs again. Retail based, and this time I’m just going to apply everywhere. Not be so picky. I need retail on my damn resume, and I’m gonna get it. Regardless of the other fact that I need more money.

Life is just rolling right along, and I hopefully have some major things coming up in the next couple years, and I’m completely unprepared for them [money wise]. Let’s be honest, moving out probably wasn’t the best idea for my bank account as I’m barely surviving, but it was the best thing for me. I love living alone, and Andrew and I have been talking about what’s going to happen once my lease comes up next year… Big decisions. Makes me a little anxious because there are so many “What If’s”.

But that’s not really the point of this blog post. It’s that time to start choosing what classes to pick in the fall, and it has me thinking that I’m going to up the ante. 3 classes, every semester. It’ll have me finished this time 2014, which is a year earlier than I originally forecast. I’m also changing out a couple courses… Things that kind of intrigued me earlier now aren’t. And I came to the conclusion that I’m going to be headed in the Marketing direction, so I’m going to now take all the marketing courses. Get rid of some accounting ones [phew] and I’m going to take the online courses first. Marketing on the WWW is up first, then Myth and Legend. I’m really excited for my General electives. They’re going to be a taste of things I could have taken if I went to not such a specialized school.

Who wouldn’t be excited about that?! So, here’s to the next couple years flying by. I’m hoping for a lot of things, but don’t want to get to ahead of myself, especially here where it’s permanent! 
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