Setting Some New Goals

This past week and a half has been kind of meh for me on the blogging side of things. I’ve been more into “life” [which is always good] and I was completely negligent on the photo taking front this weekend at the cottage.

That and a lack of internet at home has made things a little more difficult. My cable has been out for the past week, so if I’m home I’ve just been watching movies, and kind of getting some cleaning done. I finally finished unpacking from Calgary and the cottage!

It also doesn’t help that Toronto is going through a vicious heat wave, and I’m not any where close to the goals I had set for myself regarding everything in life. Feeling like an Epic Fail is never good. Gotta get my mind out of the negative mindset.

Sometimes I think I expect too much to fast, and when it doesn’t happen I get discouraged. These coming months I’m really going to try to slow down. Time just has been slipping away, this whole summer seems to be on over drive.

Hopefully August will be a little more relaxed, but honestly, it’s not looking like it anymore. Andrew was supposed to be away for the month after our vacation but… seems like that job has changed. So I’ll probably be spending most of the weekends at the cottage.. I might not for a couple because I think my cat misses me when I’m gone. It kind of messes him up, he’s a little more unsettled when he comes back from Mom’s place.

Anyways, some of the things that I started and then kind of failed to keep up are as follows:

  • Exercising – I was super good at this, and then I just started not being able to get up in the morning. I exercise every now and then, but it’s nothing like what I need to be doing. This one I need to get back on board, asap.
    • New Goal: Get up at 6.30 every morning, and do stretches and a light jog. Even if I don’t always do the jogging, I definitely need to get up and do the stretching.
  • Reading – I’ve been on and off with this. Sometimes it just doesn’t get fit in. I’m currently reading Jane Eyre, and I’m still on the 50 books a year challenge. I’ve pretty much stalled in that aspect.
    • New Goal: Read at least one book a month.
  • Eating – This has been probably the worst thing for me. Moving out on my own has been disastrous on my diet. I’ve completely stopped eating anything healthy for me, I can pretty much say the only time I eat veggies is at Andrew’s house or Mom’s house. I barely eat meat now, because it’s too much of a hassle. Actually, how am I getting any nutrients?? And I wonder why I’m tired all the time.
    • New Goal: Actually go grocery shopping and eat salads. And protein shakes. And nuts. To the Bulk Barn!
  • Finances – Ugh. Another spot of current stress for me. I’m so, so poor, and I think it’s really just settling in now. But my life style demands that I’m not. So me being poor doesn’t stop me from spending [right now, I have my eye on face wash, a new purse, a new bathing suit.. it’s just endless], so the stress just keeps growing.
    • New Goal: Switch to cash only. Make lists and only get what’s on the list [grocery shopping], get another job starting in September, and avoid malls!
  • Cleaning – My apartment is not as pro as I would like it to be. I still have things in boxes, I have nothing on the walls, and I have very terrible linen cupboard organization. Sadly some of the organization stuff will have to wait until I have more money, but I just need a good solid weekend of being home to unpack all of my own stuff.
    • New Goal: Take one weekend and finish unpacking! [And reorganize my closet!]
  • DIY Projects: I started, and have yet to finish. I have two half complete. Maybe I’ll do some tonight while waiting for Rogers to fix my cable and internet? Sounds like a plan!
Sigh, so much to do, and really so little time. August I think will be crunch time for me because I’ll only have horse back riding during the week as school will be out. I need to become incredibly structured from now on… Especially when it comes to routine!

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