The End of Summer

This was taken in Halifax, but it seems fitting for the end of summer…
So, I’ve been really bad with my posts. I find that when I have more than one picture to post, they really put me behind on my posting. Especially since lately I haven’t had the time at night to edit them like I want to! Note to self: Stop being so busy. I’m really trying to get better, but I need more hours in the day! And things are only about to get busier for me.
I can’t believe that September is right around the corner, meaning the unofficial end of summer. Every one starts thinking about fall wardrobes, back to school shopping, and of course, everyone at work is back from vacation. This September I’m taking 3 courses for school, and have to fit work, blogging, working out, homework, friends, boyfriend, possibly another job, and catching up on everything creative in my life. Somehow. When I put it like that, it seems really impossible. Everyone tells me that I’ll burn out, but even though I’d like [and kind of need] another job, I doubt that I’ll be getting one. I just have to keep being frugal, and saving money. For example, as much as I want that Coach bag, I doubt that it’ll happen. I might have to scrounge the internet for it, cheaper. Because I have to pay off other things first. Le sigh. But let’s be grown up about this.

I will definitely have to be smart about my time management. I’m really happy with the way my classes are set up, having Tuesday and Wednesday in between and the weekend, will make for easy planning and be easier to set up meals. Here’s to hoping! I am excited to break out my sweaters and sweaterdresses again. Best thing about fall.

So many things to do, so little time! Are you looking forward to Fall?
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