School :: An Update

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Oh school. You are driving me crazy with your late nights, and teasing internet classes.

So far, classes aren’t too heavy a work load.The only one that is heavy right now is Reports and Presentations, and that’s only because there are so many things due online and so often. Luckily some of those things aren’t being marked, so I’m not going to be putting quite as much effort into them, if I don’t have the time.

My other two classes have mainly just been reading, which I haven’t really been doing. My reading is more of a skimming. I’m not to worried because I can read them whenever. I can always catch up on reading one night before a test or something. Hey, it’s not ideal, but it works for me. Kind of. Yet to be determined.

It makes me a little stressed to look at my schedule, it’s a little hectic. But it kind of keeps me in check. Last class this week, E-commerce. Looking forward to it, but not really….  It just goes on so long! Hopefully I’ll be able to get some blog posts up and scheduled. I feel a little bad about using the time like that, but hey. Gotta multitask as well. And I can still listen at the same time… Having the internet at my fingertips is just way to tempting.

Only just a little bit stressed at how much I need to do before Thanksgiving long weekend. A bunch of stuff is due then. Ugh. At least I don’t have class on the Monday?? Is that a silver lining?
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